Contact details

Hospital is open 24/7 but for general enquiries office hours are:
Monday to Friday
8:30 am to 5 pm

In an emergency call 000

Phone 07 4325 6666

Fax 07 4325 6794

Street address
Cnr Nissen St and Urraween Rd, Pialba Qld 4655

Postal address
PO Box 592
Hervey Bay Qld 4655

Visiting hours

General wards

  • Every day from 11 am to 8 pm

Maternity ward

  • Every day from 11 am to 1 pm and 2:30 pm to 8 pm. Partners can visit at anytime.

Intensive care unit

  • Every day from 11 am to 8 pm. There can only be 2 visitors at a time.

Visiting outside of hours

If you can't get to the hospital during visiting hours, we may be able to arrange another time for you to visit. Talk to the staff in charge of the ward to see what we can do.

Read more about visiting someone in hospital.

Plan your visit

Information to help you plan your visit to Hervey Bay Hospital.

Street address: Cnr Nissen St and Urraween Rd, Pialba Qld 4655
Use arrow keys to navigate and plus/minus keys to zoom in and out.


You can access free car parking on the hospital grounds off Nissen St. There's also free car parking outside St Stephen’s Private Hospital.

There's free parking for patients and visitors outside the Oral Health and Cancer Care Centre in Medical Pl.

Maps and guides

Hervey Bay Hospital Map
[PDF 3431.47 KB]

Pick up and drop off

We have a drop off and pick up area outside the hospital's main entrance.


There’s a bus stop on Nissen St, near the hospital driveway entrance. Find bus timetable information, on the Wide Bay Transit’s website.

Taxi services

There are free taxi phones in medical imaging and the pharmacy waiting room. Our emergency department also has taxi phones in the waiting room.

Cafeteria and coffee shop

Our cafeteria has hot and cold food, snacks, cold drinks and a coffee stand.

The cafeteria is open from 8 am to 6 pm, 7 days a week. There are also food and drink vending machines in the hospital.


Rotary House is next to the hospital and has low cost emergency accommodation for family members. Our hospital social worker or after hours nurse manager can find out if there are rooms available.